Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Camera Cravings

Being a creative person, I like to explore different mediums to spew that creativity out into the world.  Often times, I turn to the written world, recording stories and poems with ease as I try to understand my views in life and who I am through those mediums.  Poetry has been an especially awesome discovery in myself.  While fiction will forever be my forte, I can’t compare the beauty of spilling emotion into a well worded short form that demonstrates a good use of metaphor and imagery.  Love it.

However, lately I’ve been interested in the visual arts.  I’ve spent quite a bit of time drawing and doodling.  I’ve wanted to learn how to paint, interested especially in watercolor, although I don’t know when those interests will ever really pay out.  I really love the creative aspect to the visual.  So it would be inevitable that I would be drawn to photography. 

Over the Christmas season, I came away with an iPhone, which means the beginning of my app days.  I found the typical photo domains—Instagram, Pic Collage, Streamzoo—and became obsessed with taking creative photos that didn’t fall into the cheesy category of everyone else’s work.  And very quickly, I became one of THOSE iPhone users. 

I love stumbling upon an incredible scene and being able to whip out my phone and snap a picture.  It’s addictive, especially as I receive appreciation on Streamzoo for my creative works.  So addictive, in fact, that I’ve come to be camera crazy.

It all started when Nate and I visited Ohio in order to get married.  We went on a date to a park, equipped with my brother-in-law’s incredible Canon with this certain lens.  We took quite a few pictures, and I discovered how much I love displaying beauty in the world around us. 

And ever since that date, I have been craving a brand new, awesome camera.

1 comment:

  1. This is why we are friends. We have these similarities. I love my new camera. Want to use my new camera to take a few "graduation pictures" of me and Kris? :)
