Friday, September 22, 2017

Homemade Nachos


1 large sweet potato (¾ to 1 pound), peeled and coarsely chopped
½ cup nutritional yeast 
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 
1 teaspoon onion powder 
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
½ teaspoon paprika 
¼ teaspoon ground cumin 
Pinch of chili powder
Crudités or chips of choice, for serving
1. Place the chopped sweet potage in a 1 1/2 quart pot and fill with enough water to cover.
2. Cover and boil for 20 minutes, or until the sweet potato is fork-tender. Drain the water from the pot, leaving the potato in the pot. 
3. Add the nutritional yeast, olive oil, onion powder, red pepper flakes, salt, paprika, cumin and chili powder to the pot. Puree with a hand blender or transfer the ingredients to a food processor and pulse until smooth. (I used a nutra-bullet to blend everything)

4. Transfer the dip to a bowl and serve immediately with your favorite veggies or chips. 

This dip was pretty good and the best part is that it's clean, cheese and dairy free. If you try it, let me know what you think. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Early October Adventure

In case you haven't been following our social media accounts, a dog was added to our family. We named him Jiro (the Malagasy word for "light"). We've been told that he's part chocolate lab, but he's definitely mixed with something else. He's small and really fluffy and soft with floppy ears and a curled up tail. He loves loves loves water, every human ever, smaller dogs than him, and stuffed toys with squeakers. 

He has become the second love of our lives. 

And recently, we went on a family hiking trip. Unfortunately, we didn't go soon enough. It's gotten cold lately, and I don't know if we'll make it up there again this year. 

But I did want to talk about it that trip. Because it was basically a dream come true. 

It all started with my view for at least half the ride. He seriously thinks he's a lapdog. Especially in the car. 

When we got there, pup was so happy to get out on the trail. So many smells! So much freedom! So much happy! It was adorable following him. Especially since he would get a bit ahead and then look back to make sure we were still coming. 

And the path was beautiful. I forgot to give you guys a setting--elk creek falls is the path. It is seriously the prettiest trek. 

We reached the upper falls to find a perfect pool for pup to play in. He loved chasing his ball toward the falls and swimming to it. And he's such a good swimmer! Like he's been doing it all his life or something. I was impressed.

He was just plain happy and soaked afterward. 

We stopped by the Fall Creek Reservoir after the falls to check it out and pup loved swimming there too. I didn't really get any pictures, but they had what looked like lamb's ear weed by the waterside. 

And then there was the bonding afterwards that kind of made my heart explode. 

The way home was beautiful with the trees along the path. Pup was out. As soon as we started driving. He was pretty much dead asleep. The cutest! 

And that was our family outing. I apologize the photo quality. I didn't edit any of the pictures and just took them on my phone. Have a good time and week and stuff! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Quick Update

Welp, it’s been a really long time since we’ve updated this blog. I guess you could say a lot has happened since the last post. I’m sure I’ll forget to mention something but here goes nothing.

The biggest thing that has happened is that I finally graduated from college. I ended up getting my degree in Exercise Physiology. Surprisingly it only took me about four years which is kind of amazing considering I had to start all over. Funny story about graduating, back in December when I applied for graduation my degree audit said I had fulfilled all my requirements except for the classes that I was taking during the semester.  In January when I was checking graduate school stuff I noticed that the schools hadn’t received my final transcript. So I did some digging and I found out that the school said I was still missing a class and therefore wasn’t actually able to graduate. Long story short, I figured it out and went in and got everything squared away. I ended up getting two copies of my diploma (see instragram or facebook).   Currently I am waiting to hear back from graduate schools. I plan on getting my Master’s in Athletic Training. 

Kylee got a job at Dominos which she absolutely loves. She was made an assistant manager about a month ago (maybe even longer, I don’t remember). She enjoys working there so much, that now whenever we go to any other pizza place she critiques the store and the pizza. She works full time so she’s constantly gone during the day and she gets home at random times during the night.

Currently were still living in Rexburg and we’re waiting to hear from grad schools before we decide to move somewhere. We should be finding out within the next couple of weeks if I was accepted anywhere. During the fall semester I took a golf class and absolutely fell in love with golf. There is just something about being out on the course playing a round. Recently (as in Monday) I was able to go play a round of 18 at the local golf course. So that’s what I do with me free time while Kylee works, is play a round. So if anybody is looking for a partner let me know I’d be more than happy to play. Warning: I’m not that good, but I’m getting better.

Overall, we both are doing well and are enjoying life as we’re playing the waiting game. I plan and hope to update this blog more often.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's All in the Past

I didn't even plan this post. I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that the 4th of July happened and that we spent it with family.

Enjoy my practice photography (I have no idea what I'm doing):

Happy fourth.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Graduate (not a movie)

I guess it’s time I return to the world of family blogging and add my two cents to the blog. I thought it had disappeared, but apparently, Nate enjoys having his venting space. Which is good considering the lack of communication I have with the outside world. People will know that I still exist.

I guess too much has happened to try and update everyone, so let’s go with something random and slightly big that happened recently.

I may have graduated.

This entailed a whole lot of family and friends and love and happiness, at the risk of sounding utterly cliché. I got quite a few thoughtful gifts that have not only made my life easier but have brightened it considerably.

Gift from the in-laws, my family who couldn't make it. 

I'd removed all the foliage by this point to get rid of the styrofoam.  
The best part was all the family, though. Not only did I spend time with my darling sister . . .

But I spent some time with my grandparents . . .

And, most importantly (no offense to other family), I got to see my parents!

I was happy, at least. Nate, unfortunately, had to put up with family pictures in which he had to be a part of some of them against his will.

Spectating Family: That's cute. How about a smooch?

Spectating Family: Um... okay. That's close. How about that real kiss. 

Spectating Family: Wait, where are you going? We want a kiss picture. 
[The mature married couple, ladies and gents.]

Poor kid.

He survived, though. Managed to start his hardest semester yet just this past week. Meanwhile, I’m at home, trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life. Wondering why I no longer have to go to bed at eight, while still celebrating the end of my job and schooling. It’s a bit empty. I’ve filled the day with job search, N64, and Doctor Who binging.
Time spent playing a kids game is always worth it.

What am I doing with my life?

Oh dang. 

We’ll see where my life goes from here, but really I just need money in order to, you know, survive. So here’s to hoping I’ll find a job fast. Plus, I'm beginning to come out of recharge mode. My apartment may suffer my sudden need to be productive. 

Unfortunately, this also might mean a lot of pictures like this:

Got to practice that creativity
And lonely dance parties to all the EPIC music I found recently from my high school days:

Shout out to that Within Temptation group.
And maybe some blog posts updated on my other blog. It's going to be a place where I talk about how I am an excellent author who makes a million mistakes. So, you know, go there if you're at all curious if I can actually write. 

This has been kceratops, signing out and good day. I'm going on a date with my husband.